Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Illustrator Project Idea

Have you ever been at work and had a day-dream about being out with your friends? How about sitting in class wishing you could still be in bed? Well you no longer need to make the decision whether or not to go to the pool or go to a meeting. With the "Two-of-You" pillowcase the possibilities are endless. All you have to do is write the two places you want to be in the morning on two pieces of paper and put them inside your very own "Two-of-You" pillowcase and go to sleep. In the morning, you will be in both places at once! Now you can do the right thing, and go to class and be anywhere else in the world at the same time. When you fall asleep the next night, you will wake up with only one of you. This pillowcase allows you to do both what you need to do and what you want to do even if the two things happen at the same time! No more bad decision making...if you strive for both happiness and success then this is the answer!

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